Tag Archives: Firmware

Installing ESPHome – A Quick Start Guide

These instructions are summarised from the online instructions. See: https://esphome.io/guides/installing_esphome.html



The following installs ESPhome on a Windows computer so that it can be run from the ‘cmd’ window (text input).

Install Python (and Pip)
See instructions here: https://www.python.org/downloads/

Ensure that option “Add Python to PATH” is selected before installing the package.

Check that Python is installed

In a Windows ‘cmd’ window (command prompt).

python --version
=> Should return something like: Python 3.10.1

Install dependencies

pip3 install wheel

Install ESPHome

pip install esphome

Check installation

esphome version
=> Should return something like: Version: 2023.12.0

ESPHome is now installed, and can be run from the Windows CMD

Using ESPHome

Create/Edit YAML files

ESPHome is driven via YAML configuration files in the working directory. YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) files are text files which are formatted in a specific way. They can be edited with any tool which can edit text files. (MS Notepad is good, MS Word may cause problems. MS Visual Studio (Code) is a good place to start.)

Once installed, view available ESPhome options

esphome -h

A simple YAML file that works with the Heltec Wifi LoRa 32 V3, which can be extended, looks like the following. (Copy and save this file as ‘esphome-device.yaml’) To understand the parts of this fle and the YAML configuration options, see: https://esphome.io/

  name: "lora-sx126x"

  board: esp32-s3-devkitc-1
    type: arduino



# Enable Home Assistant API

  port: 80

With an ESP32 board, new firmware can be built and installed using a YAML configuration file with:

esphome run esphome-device.yaml

These commands can be run individually as the following.

esphome compile configuration-file.yaml
esphome upload configuration-file.yaml
esphome logs configuration-file.yaml

When the program is running, it can be interupted by pressing the key combination: Ctrl-C

Over the Air (OTA) Updates

If enabled in the YAML file, ESPHome also supports “Over the Air” updates. This means that if the ESP board is currently connected to a Wifi network then using this connection, it can be directly upgraded with new firmware.

This option can be selected during the ‘upload’ step. If the board is not connected with USB and only connected to Wifi, this will happen automatically.

Additional notes – For Linux Users

Using a Virtual Environment – venv

The above process is very similar when installing on Linux or MacOS. On Linux, it is possible to setup a ‘virtual environment’ (venv) for development by installing and using the ‘venv’ command. This will allow the local Python libraries to be installed and run separately to the system libraries. This is useful to allow the development environment to use more recent library versions and/or allow the development environment to use more stable version. This helps when debugging and tracking down issues that may be caused by libraries.

Ensire that you are working in the required local project directory (eg. with the ‘cd’ command)

With Python and Pip installed as installed, create the venv development environment in the current working directory.

pip3 install venv
python -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate

Install and run ESPHome as before.

To restart editing session in an existing venv enabled directory

Setup the venv environment again by using:

. venv/bin/activate

At this stage, it is also possible to install ESPHome directly from the GitHub
development repository. This is useful for debugging, bug fixing and testing.

Install development version from the Github ESPHome repository

This requires that the ‘git’ lool has been installed. (Use ‘apt git install’ on Ubuntu.)

git clone https://github.com/esphome/esphome.git
cd esphome
python -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate

As required, update the local copy of the code with the following.

git pull

Developing a component for ESPHome, for the SX1262 LoRa Radio Chip – Part 1


This post describes “Work in Progress”. I have deliberately decided to put these details together now as it has been possible to build something that ‘sort of’ works, in that all the pieces are there, ot nearly there. The end is in sight, albeit a reasonably long way away in time and effort.

The original aim was to make the SX1282 LoRa radio chip available, for both LoRa and LoRaWAN modes, directly in ESPHome. It is hoped that the use of the SX126X series of radio chips can be as easy as possible to use and in most cases wholly driven from the ESPHome YAML files. When creating an IoT device with a new dev board, this has been one of the frustrating pieces of the excercise, particularly when using the Arduino IDE and programmer.

The Github repository of the component is here: https://github.com/PaulSchulz/esphome-lora-sx126x

These notes assume that you have ESPHome installed (

To include this external component in your own ESPHome yaml file, see below, or read the repository’s documentation (which will be newer than this).


This ESPHome component is being developed on the Heltec V3 Development Boards which use the LoRa SX1262 chip. These dev boards are:

At the present time, these boards are not available for selecting directly in the
ESPHome YAML file (when using the Arduino framework). In order to make these
boards work with the available version of ESPHome, the following YAML is required:

  board: esp32-s3-devkitc-1
    type: arduino

These board definitions are imported from the platform-espessif32 project here.

The LoRa Arduino Library

The Arduino library being used is beegee-tokyo/SX126X-Arduino, which itself is based on several other libraries. It appear to currently be the best and most maintained LoRa library available for these radio chips.

The following header file contains the descriptions of the functions and fields used by the library: https://github.com/beegee-tokyo/SX126x-Arduino/blob/master/src/radio/radio.h

Testing and Usage

The files lora-sx126x.yaml and secret.yaml provide an example of how to use the
component. To use with a working version of ESPHome, edit secret.yaml to add
your local Wifi details, then run:

esphome run lora-sx126x.yaml

Development Comments

To get the component into a working state, this ESPHome component currently does some things which are not encouraged by the ESPHome Core and Component developers (see below).

It is always hoped that this component will become compliant enough to be
included in ESPHome, but in the meantime, it can be included in your ESPHome
build by either cloning this repository locally and adding an external_component
with a local source; or by including the github repository directly as an
external_component. See the External Components documentation for more details

If downloading and using as a local source for external component:

- source:
    type: local
    path: esphome/components
  components: ["lora_sx126x"]

and, using directly from the Github source for an external component

- source:
    type: git
    url: https://github.com/PaulSchulz/esphome-lora-sc126x
    ref: main
  components: ["lora_sx126x"]

Considerations / Things to fix

Direct use of SPI and SX126x-Arduino libraries

If possible, the SX126x-Arduino library needs to be implemented natively in
ESPHome, to make use of the native ESPHome SPI code.

By using the Library directly, it is uncertain at the moment whether this component can be used generally with other devices that use the same SPI interface.

Example YAML

The following is the proposed example YAML configuration, for a ESPHome image that will enable the SX126X radio.

  name: "lora-sx126x"
    - "SPI"
    - "Ticker"
    - "SX126x-Arduino"


  - source:
      type: local
      path: esphome/components


  # The frequency to use needs to be specified as will depend on the
  # hardware and the region in which the it is being used.
  frequency: 915000000


Proposed YAML Options

The following is an example of the proposed full option list, for using the LoRa radio chip.

  # optional, with sensile defaults, if possible from board id.
  pin_lora_reset: 12
  pin_lora_dio_1: 14
  pin_lora_busy: 13
  pin_lora_nss: 8
  pin_lora_sclk: 9
  pin_lora_miso: 11
  pin_lora_mosi: 10
  radio_txen: -1
  radio_rxen: -1
  use_dio2_ant_switch: true
  use_dio3_tcx0: true
  use_dxo3_ant_switch: false

  # required - depends on region and frequency band being used
  rf_frequency:           915000000
  # optional (sensible defaults)
  tx_output_power:               22
  lora_bandwidth:                 0
  lora_spreading_factor:          7
  lora_codingrate:                1
  lora_preamble_length:           8
  lora_symbol_timeout:            0
  lora_fix_length_layload_on: false
  lora_iq_inversion_on:       false
  rx_timeout_value:            3000
  tx_timeout_value:            3000

It should then be possible to use the radio with the various builtin types. This has yet to be implemented.

  - platform: lora_sx126x
    id: lora_message
    name: LoRa Message

# Is there a component for this in ESPHome?
# Sending a string to a component?
  - platform: lora_sx126x
    id: send_message
    name: "Send LoRa Message"

  - platform: lora_sx126x
    id: lora_sensor
    name: LoRa Sensor
    on_string: "@+++"
    off_string: "@---"

  - platform: lora_sx126x
    id: lora_switch
    name: LoRa Switch
    on_string: "@^^^"
    off_string: "@vvv"

 - platform: lora_sx126x
   id: lora_input
   name: LoRa Binary Input
   on_string: "@***"
   off_string: "@..."
 - platform: lora_sx126x
   id: lora_output
   name: LoRa Binary Ouput
   on_string: "@>>>"
   off_string: "@<<<"